Contains:  Other
The Swan Nebula M17, Terry Hancock

The Swan Nebula M17

The Swan Nebula M17, Terry Hancock

The Swan Nebula M17


This is the result of LRGB captured in the past week using the 12" Ritchey-Chrétien combined with H-Alpha data captured last year using the 3.6" TMB92SS refractor.

The latest data was all binned 2x2 (including the luminance) as my image scale is still a very reasonable image scale at just under 1 arcsec/pix

Total integration time 7 hours

Image details

Location: DownUnder Observatory, Fremont MI

Date of Shoot:

3rd and 8th October 2012, 4th and 7th June 2013

RGB 180 min 6 x 10 min each, bin 2x2

Lum 85 min 4 x 10 min, 9 x 5 min bin 2x2

H-Alpha 160 min 8 x 20 min bin 1x1 (3nm)

Camera: QHY9M monochrome CCD

StarlightXpress Color Filter Wheel

Optics: Astronomy Technologies Astro-Tech 12" f/8 Ritchey-Chrétien astrograph

Thomas M. Back TMB 92SS F5.5 APO Refractor

Paramount GT-1100S German Equatorial Mount (with MKS 4000)

Image Aquisition software Maxim DL5

Registed, Calibrated and Stacked in CCD Stack

Post Processed with Photoshop CS5

Down Under Observatory

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The Swan Nebula M17, Terry Hancock